Hypha is bringing together a community of healthcare providers and patients to build the future of medical practice.

Our Story
Perspectives have changed. And so have our needs.
People around the world are looking forward to an improved quality of life. They focus not just on being illness-free but also on their overall well-being. Patients want access to personalised care and Doctors are eager to provide it to them.
While healthcare systems are getting modernised and fighting illnesses better than ever, incorporating patient-first experiences is still not a routine practice. Because, clinicians lack access to the right tools. That is, until we decided to bridge modern technology with people’s needs - all for a stronger tomorrow.
Reimagining care delivery systems
Realizing the need to strengthen the bond between patients and providers, led us to develop Hypha.
So, we ventured into the market as a state-of-the-art clinic management software that reduces the clinician’s burden by simplifying their non-medical activities. It keeps patient information and records in place, making processes easier for doctors, while involving patients in the care they receive.
Why do we call it Hypha?
Derived from Hyphae - the Greek word for ‘web’, Hypha symbolises a growing network of healthcare providers and patients. Mirroring the strength of a mycelial network, the platform is designed to provide a collaborative experience by aiding growth and communication.
Just like the mycelium work flawlessly to form a strong ecosystem, Hypha strives for a smoother and stronger healthcare system - for doctors as well as patients.
Bring together a community of healthcare providers and patients to build the future of medical practice. Strengthen the care delivery systems, by providing highly customized technology solutions to our network of care providers.
To form a strong community of healthcare providers and patients that drives excellence and growth, collectively.
Our Core Values
The path towards achieving excellence is not easy. Be courageous and finish what you’ve undertaken with utmost determination.
We believe in collaborating and learning from one another. Because, excellence is driven better when you’re together.
Your breakthroughs at the workplace promote personal growth. But more importantly, they inspire others to grow.
Take accountability for your work and everything you build to ensure customer satisfaction.
Committed to care for a healthier future?
We believe it takes great people to make a great product. That’s why we hire not only the perfect professional fits, but people who embody our company values